How Do I Order My Manure Loving Mushroom Syringe?

If you ordered one of our new All-In-One grow kits, they will come with a syringe of your choosing and there is nothing else you need to do.

If you want to order an additional syringe, you can do so from the Members Area.

In order to order your syringe you will need to navigate to the Members Area.

If you don’t have an account yet you can create one here.

If you already have an account you can click here to log in.

You will go to the section in green that says ‘Order Mushroom Syringes’.


IMPORTANT:  If you are on mobile the content will all be shown at the very bottom.  Therefore, if you click the green section, you must scroll to the bottom to see the content.

Once there you will see some short videos that walk you through how to place the order.

We list our top 4 suppliers that we use for our syringes however if you want a manure-loving syringe for studying under a microscope then you can use all of them except Mycelium Emporium because they don’t carry those kinds.


Legal Disclaimer:

Psilocybin remains illegal by the federal government in the United States and we do not endorse or encourage anyone to break federal law.

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