When Will I Receive My Syringe?

This will depend on the company that you chose to go through in your members area.

If you just ordered one of our new All-In-One grow kits then your syringe will come from Robert and he ships priority mail within the United States (so you should get it in about a week after ordering).

However, if you went through mushroomsprints.com to get your syringe with the free coupon code then it will take about 2 to 3 weeks if you live in the United States.

The reason this takes time is because they ship them internationally from Canada and they need to clear customs.

We recommend that you keep your grow bags in the freezer while you are waiting on your syringe to arrive.

If you thought your grow bags came with a syringe please see this article here:

Why Did I Receive My Grow Bags But Not My Syringe?

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